What is New in Social Media for April
Apr 21, 2022
What you might have missed in the land of social media in the last few weeks…
Facebook Podcasts on the Way Out?
They are a much-hyped new feature on Facebook, but reports are coming out that Meta is no longer going to pursue the podcasting feature. If you were planning on starting a podcast over there, perhaps rethink. Read more...
Super Handy Visual of Social Media Platforms by Age
I often get asked about how I decide which social platforms I use – I always look at the age of my ideal audience. While this research focuses on America, there are a lot of interesting insights in the visual. Read more...
TikTok Will Now Have Auto-Generated Captions
TikTok have launched auto-generated English captions on their posts, and it will begin to happen automatically, unless you turn it off in your settings.
Instagram’s 3 Feed Option has Landed
It is still rolling out across accounts, but people are now getting the option to toggle between newsfeeds by holding down the Instagram icon on the top left-hand side of their feed. Choose your regular curated feed, following or favourites.
Instagram will Prioritise Original Content
Instagram have announced they will be tweaking their algorithm to make sure it prioritises original content. Looking to the future, this is likely to mean content you create yourself will reach more people than when you reshare content from others. Read more...
New Instagram Hashtag feature for Causes
You may have heard Instagram are trialling a new hashtag feature that will make it easier to highlight causes on the platform. If you click on one of the new hashtags, you will get the options to ‘Spread the Word’ to share the hashtag’s page with friends or ‘Create a Fundraiser’. Unfortunately, this is still a long way off becoming a big feature and as Instagram fundraisers are only in North America now, this is probably a fair way off for our Aus and NZ followers. Read more...
Auto Generated Captions for Instagram Videos
We’ve had auto-generated captions for our reels and stories, but now Instagram is rolling out captioning on all videos. Read more...
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