The AI use you've never thought of 😳

content fundraising inspiration leadership resource Aug 21, 2023


I am totally nerding out this week. One my own amazing mentors, Amy Porterfield, has upped the outsourcing ante by teaching 3 Steps to Unlock Your Digital Course Idea Using AI.

I mean... using AI to create something you can sell for actual real money and become a scaleable revenue source for your nonprofit or organisation? I am all in.

This really hits the spot for me as I am getting more and more questions on how to use AI for nonprofit digital marketing. Using AI to generate your perfect idea, is yet another way this tool can help causes in today's digital world. 

When you click to download this free guide, you’ll instantly get:

  • 4 questions to identify your “Course Creation Sweet Spot” – AKA how you uniquely meet a need or provide a solution with what you already know
  • 9 copy and paste prompts to plug directly into your AI tool, filling your cause's specialty, interests or other ideas in to the blanks.
  • Using AI as a personal “Course Content Assistant” to flood your mind with (and dozens) of out-of-the-box digital course topic ideas 
  • The confidence that you can absolutely create a digital course (because you could write a “How To” for half these topics in your sleep)

Amy has not only perfected the art of the digital course to the tune of over $80 million ( 🤯)...

But she’s taught over 50,000 students - including me! 

Simone, a digital course is the only online offer where money earned and impact grows simultaneously…

Without adding to your already heavy burden of workload or that never-ending to do list. 

And if I can share something that will save you time and make you money, you know I'm going to!

So click here to download Amy’s FREE AI guide and here is hoping it inspires you to find a new unexpected but scalable revenue source for your organisation next year. 

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