How to Write Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

Apr 02, 2024


Charities and nonprofits put significant effort into crafting valuable email content, but those emails are useless if your audience doesn't open them. The key to success? Writing compelling subject lines!

The Importance of Email Subject Lines

In the world of charity marketing, subject lines are vital. If you fail to get people to open your emails, they won't engage with your content, no matter how amazing it is. Think of it this way: your subject line is the first impression for your message.

Tips for Writing Irresistible Subject Lines

  • Understand Your Audience: Think about your audience's interests and motivations. Would they prefer factual, emotional, or even shocking subject lines? This understanding will help guide your content.
  • Experiment and Track Your Results: Keep a record of your email subject lines and open rates. This data analysis will highlight successful strategies.
  • The Headline Analyser Tool: Use the free CoSchedule Headline Analyzer ( to test and optimise your subject lines. It offers valuable suggestions for improvement.

**Remember: Spend more time crafting your subject lines than you do coming up with your email content idea itself and it will start to pay off!


Instead of a generic subject line like "April Newsletter", try something like:

  • "Urgent: Can you help us feed 200 children this month?"
  • "Your donation doubled: See the impact you've made"
  • "Surprising ways you can make a difference today"

Want to know more about email marketing for your organisation? Take a look at the bite-sized implementable lessons inside the Training Vault. 


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