Common Mistakes Brands are Making on Social Media

Feb 06, 2024

Have your social media efforts been lacking engagement lately? You may be falling into one of the common traps many organisations face online.

There are a few mistakes brands regularly make that can undermine their messaging. From poorly defined goals to unclear target personas, these missteps may be hindering your success without you even realising it.

Discover the red flags to watch out for and learn how to avoid them to start engaging your ideal followers.

Know Your Story

One of the most common mistakes organisations make on social media is lacking a clear narrative or story. It's important to think about the overall story your social media content is telling.

Take some time to review your recent posts and get a sense of the key messages and takeaways someone new would get from your content. Are you effectively communicating your brand and values? Having a consistent story will help engage audiences.

Find Your Voice

Another mistake is not having a clear brand voice. Too often, brands default to being overly corporate or casual without thinking about tone. Take time to define your unique social media voice so it's consistent across all posts. Your audience should get a sense of who you are from your content and visual style.

Know Your Audience

It's also important to have a clear understanding of your ideal audience for each social channel. Too many brands try to appeal to everyone but end up connecting with no one. Get specific about the person you want to reach and tailor your content accordingly. Relevant, targeted messages will resonate more than generic posts.

Taking the time to avoid these common mistakes will help you engage audiences and better communicate your brand through social media storytelling. Review your approach regularly to ensure you're on the right track.


Upcoming Training Calendar

Want to learn more? Dive into one of my upcoming 1 hour Online Masterclasses. Join Live and ask questions or watch it at your leisure inside my website's Learning Hub.

Feb 14 - Improve Your Social Media Captions in 1 Hour - Live in the Learning Hub + recording

Feb 22 - How to Design with Canva - Live in the Learning Hub + recording

Mar 7 - 10 Steps to Marketing Your Organisation - Live in the Learning Hub + recording

Mar 12 - Introduction to Facebook & Instagram Advertising - Live in the Learning Hub + recording

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